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Weeknotes for 2024-05-02
·423 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Personal Django Python Explorers Wanted Books Travel Tv
A busy week full of work, development, podcasting, and touching grass.
Weeknotes for 2024-04-26
·431 words·3 mins
Weeknotes Personal Explorers Wanted Python Tv
Can it be? Another weeknotes edition only a seven days after the last? Well it is, faithful reader. I’m proud of both of us. This week in everything Daniel: I’ve been fighting (and losing) the battle against the cold my daughter brought home from school.
Weeknotes for 2024-04-19
·245 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Personal Python Django Explorers Wanted Indieweb Tv
Another two week recap! Travel, site improvements, python, and podcasting; oh my!
Weeknotes for 2024-04-05
·252 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Personal Python Django Hugo Tv Indieweb Explorers Wanted
At this rate I might have to rename this segments to Monthnotes. So let’s at least talk about the last two weeks, shall we? Python, podcasting, media, oh my.
TIL - Podcast hosts serve unreliable art mime types
·362 words·2 mins
TIL Podcasting Python Django Mime Types Rss
I’ve been toying with a small Django project that can be given a list of podcast feeds, and then regularly checks those feeds and updates some interesting metrics. Initially, I wanted to see how many comparable podcasts to my own made use of various RSS namespace elements, and also to pull some aggregate statistics around release frequency, episode length, etc…
Playing with Rye and
·1942 words·10 mins
Articles Python Mastodon Rye
In which we semi-automate an annoying production task away with the powers of Python, curiousity, and ADHD hyperfocus.


TIL - Getting asdf Python with tkinter working on a M2 Mac
·312 words·2 mins
TIL Macos Python Homebrew Tkinter
This week I wanted to play around with tkinter a bit. But this proved to be difficult on my M2 Mac. I use asdf to manage various runtime versions, so first I checked to see if it was already working with my existing Python installation using the built in test method.
Weeknotes for 2023-05-28
·317 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Personal Development Python Explorers Wanted
It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these. The last few work weeks have been so busy that by the end of the Friday work day I’ve been too tired to write a post. But I’m back home after a week overseas and it’s a long weekend, so let’s use this opportunity to catch up.
TIL - Automatically Set Your virtualenv
·321 words·2 mins
TIL Python Poetry Hatch Venv Direnv
I’m a big fan of using direnv to set project-specific env variables. And at one point I was using it to automatically activate my poetry virtualenv whenever I entered the directory per this function.


Weeknotes for 2022-11-01
·231 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Python Comics Tv Dice Explorers Wanted Podcast Ttrpg
I realize it’s actually Tuesday, but it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these weeknotes, so here we go! Over the course of the last week: Finished watching Brand New Cherry Flavor on Netflix, which was an outstanding horror miniseries.
Human Readable RSS Feeds With Pelican
·692 words·4 mins
Articles Python Rss Pelican
A few months ago, I came across this post by Simone Silvestroni explaining how they implemented a styled and human-readable RSS feed for their Jekyll-powered blog. I really liked the idea and wanted to implement it on my own site for browsers that don’t automatically offer to subscribe to a given feed.
Weeknotes for 2022-04-01
·318 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Rust Python Comics Tv Movies
This week has been both incredibly busy, but also frustrating vague on things I can share. It doesn’t help that I’ve had a cold kicking my ass for the last few days.
Weeknotes for 2022-03-25
·187 words·1 min
Weeknotes Explorers Wanted Python Rust Personal Cookiecutter
This week in the world of Daniel: Released two new versions of django-quotes. Those are focused around making the app more flexible for lots of users, and some developer help with typing annotations.
TIL - Importing annotations from future for concise Python typing
·110 words·1 min
TIL Python
Python 3.10 introduced several improvements for type hints, including a much more concise Union operator. This means that instead of using: def square(number: Union[int, float]) -> Union[int, float]: return number ** 2 You can instead write this:
Weeknotes for 2022-03-18
·499 words·3 mins
Weeknotes Personal Python Games Tv Movies Fish Pyenv Asdf Zsh Ohmyzsh Explorers Wanted Pelican
This week in the world of Daniel: I updated my quote service project to use my reusable django-quotes app. This should make maintenance easier. Since this is a backwards-incompatible change, I also updated ewdiscordbot and ewtwitterbot to use the new API endpoints.
TIL - Running make apidocs for Read the Docs
·196 words·1 min
TIL Python
I was hacking on my quote service the other day, and notice that Read the Docs wasn’t building my module level documentation, which meant that anyone that wanted to look at said modules in more detail was getting a 404 error.


Migrating a Django application from Heroku to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
·3467 words·17 mins
Articles Development Heroku Aws Elastic Beanstalk Django Python
Here’s the scenario you find yourself in: you’ve built and deployed a cool little Django app, and successfully deployed it on Heroku. You’ve followed all the great advice out there and are using django-environ to help manage all the various configuration variables you have to retrieve from your Heroku dynos.


Soaring with Pelican
·737 words·4 mins
Articles Personal Development Assorted Geekery Meta Python Pelican
Get Pelican: it’s good! There comes a time in every young man’s life when he begins to neglect his digital lawn, and the weeds grow so thick you wouldn’t think there was any home there at all.


Switching To Octopress
·1512 words·8 mins
Articles Assorted Geekery Meta Ruby Octopress Django Development Python Jekyll Hyde
This site is now powered by Octopress. The tentacles compell you! It’s tentacly delicious ! The Search> The Search # As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been looking to try out a new CMS for this site.


Bleach: HTML Sanitization
·132 words·1 min
Articles Development Python Html Security
Bleach is a rather clever Python module for sanitizing HTML input and auto-linking URLs. It uses a whitelist for the allowed elements and attributes (thank God), and will avoid trying to “linkify” URLs that are already within an anchor element.