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I Do Not Steal Children

·104 words·1 min
Articles Assorted Geekery Personal
Daniel Andrlik
Daniel Andrlik lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia. By day he manages product teams. The rest of the time he is a podcast host and producer, writer of speculative fiction, a rabid reader, and a programmer.

Okay, I have a confession. Please do not hold it against me, but I am a Data Gypsy. I have no computer of my own due to a long series of unfortunate mishaps so I must travel and use what computing resources are available to me. This is somewhat frustrating, but I have adapted. I store my personal files on a USB mini-drive and on various bits of server space I have secured. It is quite bizarre. Perhaps I should start telling fortunes to make money towards getting a computer. I could read Palm Pilots!

sigh I can’t believe I made that joke either…


On Gaming And Other Diseases
·360 words·2 mins
Articles Assorted Geekery Games Personal
I have been reading blogs again after a short hiatus and in catching up with the material I missed I have encountered several entries regarding gaming. The question that seems to arise from all of them is: why do men get so drawn into these video games?
·343 words·2 mins
Articles Assorted Geekery Development Personal
Sometimes, it is better to leave things a mystery. Most people think they are dull. I just spent an hour trying to explain this project I am working on at my job.
Migrating My Site to Hugo
·420 words·2 mins
Articles Go Ssg Personal Tech Assorted Geekery
I feel like “migrating to a different static site generator” is the new “installing a new Linux distro.” It’s something nerds do for almost no reason besides curiosity, boredom, and perhaps no small amount of masochism.