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Coffee-stained dispatches from the Minister of Intrigue.


Resistance Is … okay, whatever…
·129 words·1 min
Articles Games
So my friend Zach keeps trying to convince me to buy an XBox. Now, I am not much of a gamer. I mean, I used to play some strategy games on the computer ( or as I prefer to say, “strategery”), and I am quite fond of Go (I’m bad at it) and Diplomacy (somewhat better at), but I’ve never really had the knack for console games.
·193 words·1 min
Don't tell anyone, but I am writing this at work. I sat down, looked at the mammoth pile of paperwork on my desk, looked at my code and became numb with anti-productivity.
·343 words·2 mins
Articles Assorted Geekery Development Personal
Sometimes, it is better to leave things a mystery. Most people think they are dull. I just spent an hour trying to explain this project I am working on at my job.
Story Pt. 1
·214 words·2 mins
Articles Assorted Geekery Writing
My Inner Geek is alive and well. Last night my friend and I completely geeked out to the Star Wars DVD trilogy. It is the simple things in life you treasure.
·325 words·2 mins
Articles Personal
I got home late last night. I supplement my income by working as a bookseller at a major chain store on weekends. It works out pretty well. I get a discount my addiction (books), I get a little extra money to help with gas for commuting and I get to work around said “narcotic”.
·403 words·2 mins
Articles Personal
When I was younger I used to get these terrific nosebleeds. They came at random it seemed. One minute I would be fine, and another moment I would feel a slow warm drip along my upper lip and the thick copper taste I began to associate with Chance.
·385 words·2 mins
Articles Dream Personal
I came home from a trip. I can’t even remember where I had been. It must have seemed important at the time. As I climbed the steps outside of my apartment complex, I saw a small figure dash into my apartment.