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TIL - Automatically Set Your virtualenv

·321 words·2 mins
TIL Python Poetry Hatch Venv Direnv
Daniel Andrlik
Daniel Andrlik lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia. By day he manages product teams. The rest of the time he is a podcast host and producer, writer of speculative fiction, a rabid reader, and a programmer.

I’m a big fan of using direnv to set project-specific env variables. And at one point I was using it to automatically activate my poetry virtualenv whenever I entered the directory per this function. However, lately I’ve also been playing with hatch or just calling python -m venv directly, so I wanted to work out a way to have a unified approach.

This is what I came up with, and I’m sure there is a more elegant way to do this, but it works, and that’s what matters for now.

First, you add the following functions to ~/.config/direnv/direnvrc:

layout_env() {
  if [[ ! -f pyproject.toml ]]; then
    log_error 'No pyproject.toml found. Cannot determine appropriate env to activate.'
    exit 2

  grep -q poetry pyproject.toml
  if [ $retVal -ne 0 ]; then
     grep -q hatch pyproject.toml
     if [ $hatchVal -ne 0 ]; then

layout_poetry() {
  if [[ ! -f pyproject.toml ]]; then
    log_error 'No pyproject.toml found.  Use `poetry new` or `poetry init` to create one first.'
    exit 2

  local VENV=$(dirname $(poetry run which python))
  export VIRTUAL_ENV=$(echo "$VENV" | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev)
  export POETRY_ACTIVE=1
  PATH_add "$VENV"

layout_hatch() {
  if [[ ! -f pyproject.toml ]]; then
    log_error 'No pyproject.toml found! Create one first using your preferred tools.'
    exit 2
  local VENV=$(dirname $(hatch -q run which python))
  export VIRTUAL_ENV=$(echo "$VENV" | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev)
  export HATCH_ENV_ACTIVE="default"
  PATH_add "$VENV"

layout_venv() {
  if [[ ! -d .venv ]]; then
    log_error 'No local virtual env exists yet. Create one using python -m venv --prompt . .venv'
    exit 2

  local VENV=".venv/bin"
  export VIRTUAL_ENV=$(echo "$VENV" | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev)
  PATH_add "$VENV"

Then in any project directory’s .envrc add a single line:


After making your changes, run direnv allow to approve the modified file for use and you’ll be good to go!


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