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Weeknotes for 2024-04-19

·245 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Personal Python Django Explorers Wanted Indieweb Tv
Daniel Andrlik
Daniel Andrlik lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia. By day he manages product teams. The rest of the time he is a podcast host and producer, writer of speculative fiction, a rabid reader, and a programmer.

Another two week recap!

Plenty of other organizational things as well, but that’s the meat of it! Will these weeknotes become regular again? Only time will tell!


Weeknotes for 2024-04-05
·252 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Personal Python Django Hugo Tv Indieweb Explorers Wanted
At this rate I might have to rename this segments to Monthnotes. So let’s at least talk about the last two weeks, shall we? Python, podcasting, media, oh my.
Weeknotes for 2024-04-26
·431 words·3 mins
Weeknotes Personal Explorers Wanted Python Tv
Can it be? Another weeknotes edition only a seven days after the last? Well it is, faithful reader. I’m proud of both of us. This week in everything Daniel: I’ve been fighting (and losing) the battle against the cold my daughter brought home from school.
Weeknotes for 2022-03-18
·499 words·3 mins
Weeknotes Personal Python Games Tv Movies Fish Pyenv Asdf Zsh Ohmyzsh Explorers Wanted Pelican
This week in the world of Daniel: I updated my quote service project to use my reusable django-quotes app. This should make maintenance easier. Since this is a backwards-incompatible change, I also updated ewdiscordbot and ewtwitterbot to use the new API endpoints.