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Quote: Erin Kissane on product design
·122 words·1 min
Quotes Product Management Social Media Fediverse Mastodon Bluesky
Erin Kissane has written an insightful post on Bluesky’s closed beta, and more importantly the response from the Mastodon community. In particular, the passage below had me violently nodding in agreement.
Quote: Monte Cook on Designer Anxiety
·145 words·1 min
Quotes Ttrpg Game Design
A great post from Monte Cook on anxiety for first-time designers. Remember that product that gamers love that includes A, B, and C? A lot of designers will look at that, put A, B, and C in their own product, and then figure theyโ€™re done.
Quote: Simon Willison on LLMs
·145 words·1 min
Quotes Machine Learning Llm Development Tech
I’m personally skeptical that LLMs provide enough benefit to outweigh their potential harm, and so I deeply appreciate those who are attempting to make them work without relying on pixie dust.
Weeknotes for 2023-03-24
·119 words·1 min
Weeknotes Personal Explorers Wanted
I’m in the Netherlands currently so I’ve had lots of meetings while fighting jet lag. This week in Daniel: Finished reading How To Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix. It was an excellent novel about generational trauma, grief, and evil puppets.
Weeknotes for 2023-03-17
·130 words·1 min
Weeknotes Personal Explorers Wanted
This week in Daniel was quite busy: Lots of work stuff to do, so that kept me running. Setup a Github Action workflow to automatically deploy this site whenever I push a change, and then to also do automated deployments every 15 minutes for any content that I had scheduled in advance by using a future date.