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Vijith Assar on Security Risks from Billionaires
·118 words·1 min
Quotes Tech Security Open Source
Writing for Wired, Vijith Assar raises some excellent points on how bad actors with capital are the most dangerous threat to any system. Capital can kill code. Capital can kill anything.
Kris Nóva on Scalable Systems
·138 words·1 min
Quotes Tech
I am a firm believer that no system is ever “designed” for the consequences of high adoption. This is especially true with regard to Mastodon, as most of our team has never operated a production Mastodon instance before.
Weeknotes for 2022-11-01
·231 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Python Comics Tv Dice Explorers Wanted Podcast Ttrpg
I realize it’s actually Tuesday, but it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these weeknotes, so here we go! Over the course of the last week: Finished watching Brand New Cherry Flavor on Netflix, which was an outstanding horror miniseries.
Quoting Nilay Patel: Welcome to Hell, Elon
·158 words·1 min
Quotes Social Media Twitter Tech
The whole article is 🔥 and well worth a read, but this part of the conclusion hits the crux of Musk’s new dillema. The essential truth of every social network is that the product is content moderation, and everyone hates the people who decide how content moderation works.
Human Readable RSS Feeds With Pelican
·692 words·4 mins
Articles Python Rss Pelican
A few months ago, I came across this post by Simone Silvestroni explaining how they implemented a styled and human-readable RSS feed for their Jekyll-powered blog. I really liked the idea and wanted to implement it on my own site for browsers that don’t automatically offer to subscribe to a given feed.