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Weeknotes for 2023-01-20
·271 words·2 mins
Weeknotes Personal Books Horror Explorers Wanted
Another week of work in the Netherlands is wrapping up. I’m publishing today’s weeknotes a bit early as I’m about to board a flight on my way back the US, and I strongly doubt I’ll have the energy to write this up after two flights and a long layover at LHR.
Weeknotes for 2023-01-13
·534 words·3 mins
Weeknotes Personal Explorers Wanted Obsidian Books Movies D&d Ttrpg Horror Assorted Geekery
This week I’ve been in the Netherlands for work, so between jet lag and meetings I’ve been pretty wiped out. Still, I’ve managed to get a few non-work related things done as well.
New Arrivals Jan 2023
·453 words·3 mins
Articles Ttrpg Books Horror Art Workbooks
I try to post cool new arrivals from Kickstarters and pre-orders when they arrive, usually to my Mastodon account,1 but with the business at work and with the podcast it slipped past me.


A Heart Has Roots of Flame and Blood
·5641 words·27 mins
Short Story Horror
Miranda watches as the tree’s purple roots slowly lap blood from the frozen topsoil. They twist and slither over the ground, pushing away the pebbles that surround its base, looking for every last drop within their reach. The cut on her arm stopped bleeding a moment ago, and she glances at her phone, a stop watch running on its screen.
Memories of Stars
·2908 words·14 mins
Short Story Horror Science Fiction
I am collecting rocks at the edge of the wilderness when Talik finds me. I hear him before I see him, wings flapping as he flies between crumbling towers towards the open expanse of my improvised quarry. I pause in my work, gripping a sharp stone tight in my hand.


Nine podcasts to help you escape the horror of our dying republic
··1026 words·5 mins
Articles Podcasts Culture Horror Gaming Writing Politics
Let’s face it. Things are bad right now. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, it’s hard to be happy about anything at the moment, unless you’re, I don’t know, a bridge troll, I guess?


Midnight Stroll
·122 words·1 min
Flash Fiction Horror
Marcia retraced her steps across the wet grass, and was certain she had found the exit. The cold fog of the autumn night had chilled her to her bones, and she shivered while she worked at the door before her…


What His Sister Told Him
·2753 words·13 mins
Short Story Horror
Eddie Cohallan hated winter, and that was only thing that was keeping him warm this night…


Review: The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan
·1030 words·5 mins
Articles Books Horror Reviews
I recently read The Strain by the creative team of Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan on a recommendation from a friend. I didn’t know anything about Chuck Hogan but I was of course familiar with the films of Del Toro, which I had enjoyed.
Review: I Am Not A Serial Killer & Mr Monster by Dan Wells
·721 words·4 mins
Articles Books Horror Reviews
A review double-feature! Excitement abounds! I just recently finished reading the second book in Dan Wells’ clever and compelling John Cleaver series, and since I’ve had an unfinished review of the first book sitting in my draft folder for the last few months, it seems like a fine idea to merge the two together into one post.