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Running Yahoo! Pipes on Google App Engine Β» Wordloosed
·67 words·1 min
Articles Google Pipes Python Yahoo
Greg Gaughan has put together a rather clever Python script that can take a pipe created and hosted on Yahoo! Pipes into a Python module. The resulting file allows you to run your pipe directly from your computer as opposed to relying on Yahoo!


Yahoo! to Announce Semantic Web Support - ReadWriteWeb
·62 words·1 min
Articles Foaf Microformats Search Semantic Web Yahoo
"TechCrunch and Search Engine Land are reporting this morning that Yahoo! will now be indexing Semantic Web and Microformats markup from around the web…" This is huge. You can pretty much assume that Google intends to follow suit, and if search engines begin indexing things like FOAF, Microformats and geoRSS, the possibilities of the kinds of analysis you can do is astounding.